I work with multiple methods across the fields of art and design but consider myself a storyteller at heart. Through my work I endeavor to bring back pre-colonial values toward the individual and the environment, and challenge modern priorities of prosperity at any cost. I am influenced by folklore about animals. Originally these stories were how cultures began exploring their worlds both real and imagined. Many indigenous cultures attributed similar characteristics to certain animals, which illustrates a deep root that connected us as humans. Today these stories can still be used to help us gain the perspective we lost in Europe’s quest to become master of the world.
Whatever form my work takes it has one guiding principle, my work must always affirm life. I do not seek to demonize systems or ideologies I disagree with, but instead seek to help them understand that for the sake of all they need new direction. As we continue to navigate a post-colonial world it’s not about creating a new way of life; it’s about remembering an old one.